Policy Commitments


All partners on the project adhere to strict anti-fraud regulation and display transparency and openness in the delivery of service and use of funding. All financial processes require recording and collection of supporting evidence and follow UK government procurement rules. The project is audited both internally and externally on a regular basis.

Cross-cutting Themes

We take cross-cutting themes very seriously and the Building Futures project fully embraces the principles behind them. Actions Plan are in place for both Equality & Diversity and Sustainability and are reviewed and actioned regularly to strengthen the impact across all partners.

Environmental and Sustainability Policy

The project endeavours to work in ways that reduce the impact its activities have on the environment both locally and globally. We continually review ways in which we can ensure the sustainability of resources, contribute to the protection of the planet and improve the long term quality of life for our staff and those directly and/or indirectly affected by our activities. Our aims are to:

1.     Reduce emissions to help limit climate change and adapt to its effects.

2.     Promote sustainable transport

3.     Promote the efficient use of natural resources

4.     Improve the quality of the local environment

5.     Minimise the risk of pollution and other environmental hazards

This equal opportunities policy applies to all employees of the organisation including contractors and temporary or casual workers. Whether directly employed by the organisation or not, everyone has the responsibility to ensure that this policy is fully complied with.

Equality and Diversity Policy

All organisations involved in delivering Building Futures are committed to promoting equal opportunities and non-discrimination in all areas of their work. This is in line with current legislation, including the Equality Act 2010. The action plan actively promotes equality in every aspect of the project, including how we ensure the involvement of disadvantaged groups in the way the project is run. Our aims are to:

1.     Develop understanding of the different needs and challenges of the people who will benefit from the project

2.     Address any difficulties people may have finding out about the project

3.     Develop steps to overcome the barriers faced by those hardest to reach

4.     Create activities to ensure people are not disadvantaged when it comes to accessing the project

5.     Ensure everyone is able to access and continuously engage with the project

6.     Integrate partner approaches to equalities in how the project is managed and run